The HOOK-FIELD is a 50-byte area that stores the field content. The field content is what is displayed on the tablesONLINE Item Edit screen before you press <Enter>. For example, if an exit program is connected to the Sex field and you specify M as the Sex field value on the tablesONLINE Item Edit screen, then HOOK-FIELD would contain M for the Sex field. This field can be modified by a field exit program.

HOOK-FLD-DEFS is a 100-byte field definition that defines the attributes of HOOK-FIELD. It contains the attributes specified for the field (stored in HOOK-FIELD) when the View was originally defined:

  • Display Sequence
  • Key Indicator
  • Field Name
  • Display Length
  • Display Format
  • Display Attribute
  • Table Location
  • Table Length
  • Table Format
  • Edit Exit Program

This area can be mapped into the HOOK-FLD-DEFS of the EXITISPF copybook in the distribution library. For a layout of this field, please see “ITEM AREA OF VIEW TABLE” in The EXITPARM copybook.

The TABLE-COMMAND-AREA contains the command that is to be performed when the exit program finishes processing and control is returned to tablesONLINE/ISPF. The exit program can interrogate this area to find out what tablesONLINE will do next. This area can be modified by the exit program. The distributed source file contains a copybook for the command area.

The I-ZUSER field is the eight-character identifier of the TSO user. It can be used for security validation.

TABLE-OPEN-SW is a one-byte switch that indicates whether the table identified in the TABLE-COMMAND-AREA is open when control is passed to the exit program. Values are Y and N where Y indicates that the table is open and N indicates that the table is closed.

The ACTION-BYPASS-INDICATOR controls what actions tablesONLINE performs immediately after the exit program ends. Values are Y and N where Y specifies that the next scheduled tablesONLINE/ISPF operation is to be bypassed and N specifies that the action is to be performed. The default is N. This field is set by the exit program when returning to tablesONLINE.

The FIELD-COMMAND-AREA contains the last command that was processed by tablesONLINE before the exit program started. This 72-byte area is similar to the TABLE-COMMAND-AREA.

The HOOK-FILLER area is a 171-byte area that is reserved for future use.

The I-TYPCHG field indicates whether a new item is being created (N for New) or an existing item is being updated (U for Update) by the terminal user.

The HOOK-POINTER identifies the location (count) of the field being edited. It can also be used as a subscript to view items in the following array of field values. This subscript value is identical to the count subfield value in the FIELD-COMMAND-AREA. It can be used by field exit programs to determine which field was being edited when the exit program was invoked. One exit program, therefore, can be written for all the fields in a table if necessary. This halfword binary subscript identifies the relative number of the field being edited. Program logic can do conditional branching based on this value.

DATA-ARRAY-NEW is an array of 50-byte fields containing 1000 entries. These are tablesONLINE limitations; field values cannot exceed 50 characters and a maximum of 1000 fields are supported. This array can be viewed by field exit programs. It can be modified only by item exit programs by Indexing through individual fields.

DATA-ENTRY-NEW is a 50-byte field in the DATA-ARRAY-NEW array. There are 1000 of these fields, each of which can be accessed by indexing, using HOOK-POINTER as a subscript.