What is Covered in this Guide

Chapter 1 provides an overview of some of the concepts and structures used by tablesONLINE.

Chapter 2 provides the basic information required to use tablesONLINE. It includes the sign on and sign off procedures and information about menu screen navigation.

Chapter 3 describes how to edit and browse Data Tables using tablesONLINE. This is prerequisite knowledge for creating tables and Views, which is covered in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 describes the process used to create tables and Views using tablesONLINE. Both the basic table creation functions and the more advanced features such as Display Masks, data validation, use of alternate Views, and display order editing are discussed. Also covered in this chapter is the option for creating COBOL copybooks for tablesONLINE tables, printing of Views, restructuring of Data Tables, and the specification of many-to-many (M2M) relationships.

Chapter 5 describes the use of the tablesONLINE utility facilities: copy, delete, rename, passwords, and the User Profile.

Chapter 6 describes how to build table-driven applications by editing the Application Driving Tables delivered with tablesONLINE.

Chapter 7 provides a reference list of all messages that are returned by tablesONLINE.

For ease of explanation, this guide has been written with the assumption that the product has not been customized. Since it is possible that some of the facilities described in this guide have been customized by your tableBASE administrator, the screens, PF keys, transaction codes, etc. described in this guide may not exactly match those used in your environment.