Step 2: Obtain installation files from installation media

This section assumes that you have already read Step 1: Prepare for tableBASE installation. It is highly recommended that you do this before proceeding.

The Install package can be delivered via CD or FTP. (E-mail delivery is rarely provided and only if absolutely necessary).

The Install package contains several datasets containing the licensed tableBASE products as well as jobs to allocate MVS datasets for transferring and receiving the contents on the mainframe.

In addition to the Install package, you will need the capability to:

  • transfer files from the Install package to the mainframe
  • use TSO and run jobs on a MVS system (z/OS)
  1. Upload dataset allocation JCL and CLIST

    Upload the JCL for an MVS dataset allocation job and a TSO RECEIVE CLIST:

    • Upload files @@ALLOC and @@RECV to a dataset.
  2. Allocate MVS datasets for uploading the contents of the Install package

    Tailor and execute the allocation JCL (@@ALLOC) to create target datasets by type:

    • Tailor the @@ALLOC JCL member by editing the JOB statement, selecting the standard disk unit (for example, “SYSDA”) and the desired prefix for the datasets. When it is executed, two sets of datasets will be allocated. Those of the form your.prefix.xxxx are your final target datasets for tableBASE software. Those of the form your.prefix.xxxx.XMIT are for intermediate datasets.
    • Execute JCL @@ALLOC.
  3. Upload remaining datasets

    Upload the rest of the files from the installation media to corresponding datasets on MVS:

    • Select your favorite upload method and transfer the files as binary (BIN) from the Install package to the pre-allocated datasets. The following is an example of two different types of datasets:

      TBCST....CNTL.XMIT     TO   your.prefix.CNTL.XMIT
      TBCST....MAINLIB       TO   your.prefix.MAINLIB

  4. Reformat uploaded datasets to MVS Library format

    The datasets with the suffix XMIT must be reformatted to MVS Library format using the TSO RECEIVE command:

    • Tailor and execute the @@RECV CLIST uploaded in step 1 to reformat the datasets with XMIT suffix to PDSEs.


    • Use the following RECEIVE and DA commands to reformat each dataset. For example:
      • At the TSO prompt, or using ISPF option 6, enter:
        • RECEIVE INDA (your.prefix.CNTL.XMIT)
      • At the prompt enter:
        • DA('your.prefix.CNTL')
    • When this is done the datasets with the XMIT suffix may be deleted.

Proceed to Step 3: Verify recommended security considerations.