Don’t Limit Your Mainframe’s Future
Your business is moving forward and so should your mainframe.
Mainframe Modernization
What is mainframe modernization? Well, a lot of vendors will tell you that it is the replacement of some, or all of your mainframe infrastructure, which is old and costly to run (or so they will tell you), with commodity servers (and their software and services), that will run your applications for less cost, and at the same time, they’ll run faster. Those are pretty bold claims. Their customers aren’t always happy, but the big words do sell well.
To be fair though, there are many cases where it makes sense to take applications off the mainframe, or even to migrate completely. However, large organizations with large-scale transaction processing requirements, it makes more sense to retain these systems, and to modernize them such that they are as powerful and efficient as possible. That is exactly what DataKinetics Z Performance and Optimizations solutions are designed to do for you.
Modernize your most powerful and cost-efficient computing platform.
Performance Modernization
Upgrading system software can improve performance. Some of the solutions that help control costs can also make a big difference in performance as well, without adding to your monthly bill—for example, in-memory technology can improve application performance as well as database performance.
Code Modernization
There are solutions that allow you to leverage existing code as it is, without a major redesign, re-engineering or complete migration is the fastest and more economical way to modernize. New code can be initiated that can interwork with legacy code, new business rules and logic can be used to augment the legacy code base, using younger programmers and modern toolsets or programming languages. That code can run on your mainframe or any other platform.
Transparency Modernization
By adding business structure and costing information to your IT data, it becomes possible to measure who in the company is using which resources, and how much that is costing. It can also help to measure the immediate effects caused by business changes (company mergers and acquisitions, process changes, new product introductions, etc.). The power of IT’s own data can help change the position of IT from being just a huge cost center into a window into general business efficiency.
Cost Modernization
There are many ways to optimize mainframe operations without making changes to code logic, databases, and platform hardware. One is high-performance in-memory technology, which can sharply reduce the amount of CPU and MSU resources used by your mainframe applications, thereby reducing their impact on the monthly bill. Similarly, smart performance capping can reduce cost—some of the best solutions can do that without actually capping business-critical workloads.
Interface Modernization
The biggest demand today is for mobile access to mainframe applications, and there are solutions that actually leverage the legacy code base to drive new mobile interfaces for mainframe green-screen applications. The good news is that these tools leverage legacy applications as they are now. Legacy applications contain years’ worth of intellectual property, and run fast and reliably. These advantages are leveraged—no new mainframe-side processing takes place; in fact, it need not be modified at all.
Want to Learn More?
Mainframe improvements
Nobody will argue that today’s IT systems must be modernized to handle the new and changing demands of today (and tomorrow). And there are as many ways to do that as there are bits of data in your cell phone’s memory card. But don’t let anyone define for you what “modernization” means–it doesn’t mean use Vendor A’s specific (and possible inflexible) software solutions, and it certainly doesn’t mean to suddenly or even gradually dump your existing high-value and mission-critical IT assets into the landfill. So if you’re running a mainframe–the very best system on the planet for processing business data–and it’s generating 60 or 75 percent of your revenue, find someone who will actually modernize it for you, not just replace it with their own who-knows-what…

Learn more about the technologies that support mainframe modernization.
tableBASE can lower your costs and mainframe TCO, dramatically reduce batch processing time and optimize your MIPS usage, offering performance benefits and more powerful and efficient applications.
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IT Business Intelligence
IT Business Intelligence collects capacity and performance data from the IT infrastructure and combines these with business information such as costs, which application and organizational unit is using the resources, and for what activities.