How Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, Internet of Things disrupts and changes business in real-time

Long gone are the days when corporate IT strategy remained predictable. In today’s social-media driven business world—where topics and headlines go viral in minutes, where mobile apps connect millions of people to corporate databases, and where engineering can add sensors to every product creating significant data analytics challenges—the nature of technology is disrupting the IT business landscape like never before.

In this Executive webinar, we will discuss the five major disruptive technologies: Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, Internet of Things—now often referred to as SMAC-IT—and how to plan business rationale and strategy to ensure that your IT infrastructure not only can cope with these technologies, but also can lead the changes that are vital for future success.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How a social media presence improves customer satisfaction, and profits
  • Why “Mobile first” deployments are vital for future success
  • Why the company with the best Analytics/Big Data capability will win in the market
  • How the Internet of Things will transform almost every product your company sells
  • How “traditional” IT is being disrupted—and how you can remain relevant

Watch the Recording.